GHKS@UC: Pro-Democracy Contention in Hong Kong


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Co-sponsors: UC Davis East Asian Studies, Global Research Association of Politics in Hong Kong (GRAPH), UCLA Asian Pacific Center, UCLA Center for Chinese Studies, UCI Center for Asian Studies, UCSD International Institute, UCSD 21st Century China Center, Pomona College Asian Studies

This event is organized and hosted by Global Hong Kong Studies at University of California.

About the Event

In this talk about his latest book, Professor Francis Lee dissects the dynamic connections between the two most significant political events in Hong Kong history – the 2014 Umbrella Movement and the 2019 Anti-Extradition Protests. Arguing against the general view that civic activism was in abeyance, he shows how political reconciliations and contestations forged during those years shaped the 2019 movement. Please join Professor Eliza Lee and Professor Stan Wong, our two commentators, to discuss this important new work.

About the Author

Francis L.F. Lee


Francis L.F. Lee is Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong. His previous books include Memories of Tiananmen: Politics and Processes of Collective Remembering in Hong Kong, 1989-2019 (Amsterdam University Press, 2021) and Protest Logics in the Digital Era (Oxford University Press, 2018). He is an Elected Fellow at the International Communication Assocation and currently chief editor of the Chinese Journal of Communication.


About the Speakers

Eliza W.Y. Lee

Eliza W.Y. Lee is an honorary professor in the Department of Politics and Public Administration, The University of Hong Kong. She is the lead author of Public Policymaking in Hong Kong: Civic Engagement and State-Society Relations in a Semi-Democracy (2013) and the editor of Gender and Change in Hong Kong: Globalization, Postcolonialism, and Chinese Patriarchy (2003). Her articles have appeared in Journal of Contemporary China, Governance, Journal of Social Policy, and Public Administration Review


Stan Hok-Wui Wong


Stan Hok-Wui Wong is Associate Professor at the University of St. Thomas, Houston. He is the coordinator of the Global Research Association of Politics in Hong Kong (GRAPH). He has written extensively on Hong Kong politics and society. His previous works touch on issues such as electoral politics and state-business relations. He is the author of the book Electoral Politics in Post-1997 Hong Kong: Protest, Patronage, and the Media. He is also a member of the research teams for the Asian Barometer Survey (ABS) and the World Values Survey (WVS) in Hong Kong. His works have been published or accepted in journals such as the British Journal of Political Science, China Quarterly, Electoral Studies, Journal of Peace Research, and Political Behavior.

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