Position Title
Professor of Sociology
- Ph.D., Sociology, University of Minnesota, 1991-97
- M.S., Computer Science, University of Minnesota, 1996-97
- M.A. coursework in Linguistics, BFSU, 1990-91
- B.A., English & Economics, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 1990
Xiaoling Shu’s research focuses on the impacts of two of the most profound processes of our times – market transition and globalization – on gender inequalities, subjective sense of well-being, and gender, family, marriage, and sexual behaviors and attitudes. She uses data science models on national and international data to carry out country-specific (China and the United States) and cross-national analyses.
Recent Publications
- Shu, Xiaoling. 2020. Knowledge Discovery in the Social Sciences: A Data Mining Approach. University of California Press.
- Shu, Xiaoling. In Press. “Cohort Size, Historical Times and Life Chances: The Misfortune of Children of China’s Cultural Revolution.” Handbook of Sociology of China, edited by Yaojun Li and Yanjie Bian. Imperial College Press.
- Shu, Xiaoling and Jingjng Chen*. Forthcoming in 2023. Chinese Marriages in Transition: From Patriarchy to New Familism. Interdisciplinary book series on The Politics of Marriage and Gender: Global Issues in Local Contexts. Rutgers University Press.
Journal Editing
- Shu, Xiaoling. 2020. Editor, Special Issue on "Computational Social Science in the Era of Big Data" Journal of Sociological Studies.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Shu, Xiaoling and Kelsey D. Meagher*. 2018. “Beyond the Stalled Gender Revolution: Historical and Cohort Dynamics in Gender Attitudes from 1977-2016.” Social Forces 96(3):1243-1274. Top 3% of more than 13.7 million research outputs scored by Altmetric. doi.org/10.1093/sf/sox090.
- Meagher, Kelsey* and Shu, Xiaoling. 2019. “Trends in U.S. Gender Attitudes in 1977-2018: Gender and Educational Disparities.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 5:1–3. Top 8% of more than 13.7 million research outputs scored by Altmetric. doi.org/10.1177/2378023119851692.
- Shu, Xiaoling, George Barnett, and Robert Faris. 2020. “Telecommunication Ties and Gender Ideologies in the Age of Globalization: International Telephone Networks and Gender Attitudes in 47 Countries.” Chinese Journal of Sociology 6(1):3-34. doi.org/10.1177/2057150X19897450.
- Shu, Xiaoling. 2020. “Opportunities and Challenges of Computational Social Science in the Era of Big Data.” Journal of Sociological Studies.
- Ye, Yiwan* and Shu, Xiaoling. 2022. “Lonely in a Crowd: Cohort Size and Well-being in the United Kingdom.” Journal of Happiness Studies: 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-021-00495-x. Featured in NewScientist, MSN, Daily Mail/.
- Shu, Xiaoling, Jingjing Chen* and Yifei Zhu*. Forthcoming. “Changing Times and Subjective Well-being in Urban China.” Chinese Journal of Sociology.
- Shu, Xiaoling and Yiwan Ye*. 2022. "Knowledge Discovery: Methods from Data Mining and Machin Learning." Special Issue Methodological Advances in Quantitative Social Science. Social Science Research. doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2022.102817.
Book Chapters
- Shu, Xiaoling. Forthcoming. “Cohort Size, Historical Times and Life Chances: The Misfortune of Children of China’s Cultural Revolution.” Handbook of Sociology of China (Yaojun Li and Yanjie Bian eds.). Imperial College Press.
- Shu, Xiaoling and Yiwan Ye*. Forthcoming. “China, Quality of Life and Well-Being” Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research (Filomena Maggino ed.). Springer.
Research Focus
Social Stratification, Gender, Quantitative Methods, Life Course, Social Demography, Comparative Studies, Computer Simulation, Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation models, multilevel linear and nonlinear models, cross-classified fixed- & random-effect models (age-cohort-period cross-classified fixed- & random-effect models), event history analysis (discrete-time event history analysis & Cox regression), and dynamic modeling (partial adjustment models).
M.S. in Computer Science specializing in Artificial Intelligence, knowledge discovery and data mining.
Chinese Marriage and Family in Transition: Confucianism, Socialism, and Modernization (with Jingjng Chen). Rutgers University Press (Under Contract).
Selected Publications
Gender Ideology, Gender Inequalities in China, U.S., and Globally
- Shu, Xiaoling, George Barnett and Robert Faris. 2020. “Telecommunication Ties and Gender Ideologies in the Age of Globalization: International Telephone Networks and Gender Attitudes in 47 Countries.” Chinese Journal of Sociology 6(1):3-34. doi.org/10.1177/2057150X19897450.
- Shu, Xiaoling and Kelsey D. Meagher*. 2018. “Beyond the Stalled Gender Revolution: Historical and Cohort Dynamics in Gender Attitudes from 1977-2016.” Social Forces 96(3):1243-1274. doi.org/10.1093/sf/sox090.
- Meagher, Kelsey* and Xiaoling Shu. 2019. “Trends in U.S. Gender Attitudes in 1977-2018: Gender and Educational Disparities.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 5:1–3.
- Flynn, Heather Kohler*, Diane H. Felmlee, Xiaoling Shu, and Rand D. Conger. 2018. “Mothers and Fathers Matter: Influences of Parental Support, Hostility, and Problem Solving on Adolescent Friendships.” Journal of Family Issues 39(8):2389–2412.
- Shu, Xiaoling, Yifei Zhu*, and Zhanxin Zhang. 2013. “Patriarchy, Resources and Specialization: Marital Decision-Making Power in Urban China.” Journal of Family Issues 34(7):885-917.
- Shu, Xiaoling and Yifei Zhu*. 2012. “Uneven Transitions: Cohort- and Period-based Changes in Gender Attitudes in China: 1995-2007.” Social Science Research 41(5):1100-1115.
- Shu, Xiaoling, Yifei Zhu*, and Zhanxin Zhang. 2007. “Global Economy and Gender Inequalities: The Case of the Chinese Urban Labor Market.” Social Science Quarterly 88(5):1307-32 (special issue on Women in Global Society).
- Shu, Xiaoling. 2005. "Market Transition and Gender Segregation in Urban China." Social Science Quarterly 86(5):1299-1323 (special issue on Income/Poverty/Opportunity).
- Shu, Xiaoling. 2004. "Education and Gender Egalitarianism: The Case of China." Sociology of Education 77(4):311-336.
- Shu, Xiaoling and Yanjie Bian. 2003. "Market Transition and Gender Gap in Earnings in Urban China." Social Forces 81(4):1107-1145.
- Shu, Xiaoling and Yanjie Bian. 2002. "Intercity Variation in Gender Inequalities in China." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 19:267-307 (Special issue on The Future of Market Transition).
- Shu, Xiaoling and Margaret Mooney Marini. 1998. "Gender-Related Change in Occupational Aspirations." Sociology of Education 71(1):44-68.
Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- Shu, Xiaoling. Forthcoming in Feb. 2020. Knowledge Discovery in the Social Sciences: A Data Mining Approach. University of California Press.
- Shu, Xiaoling. Forthcoming. Editor, Special Issue on "Computational Social Science in the Era of Big Data" Journal of Sociological Studies.
- Shu, Xiaoling. Forthcoming. “Opportunities and Challenges of Computational Social Science in the Era of Big Data.” Journal of Sociological Studies.
- Shu, Xiaoling and Jingjing Chen*. 2017. “Data-Driven Research and Causality in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.” Chinese Social Science Review: Journal of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 11(2017.3):18-28. (in Chinese). PDF
- Shu, Xiaoling and Bowen Zhu*. 2016. “Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in the Era of Big Data.” Journal of Guizhou Normal University, 203(6):49-53(in Chinese).
- Shu, Xiaoling. 2003. “Artificial Intelligence” in The Sage Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods (M. Lewis-Beck, A. Bryman, and T. F. Liao eds.). Sage Publications.
Quality of Life and Stratification
- Shu, Xiaoling and Yiwan Ye*. Forthcoming. “China, Quality of Life and Well-Being” Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research (Filomena Maggino ed.). Springer.
- Shu, Xiaoling and Yifei Zhu*. 2009. “The Quality of Life in China.” Social Indicators Research 92:191-225 (Special issue on The Quality of Life in Confucian Asia).
- Shu, Xiaoling and Yifei Zhu*. 2014. “China, Quality of Life” pp 822-826 in Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research (Alex C. Michalos ed.). Springer.
- Shu, Xiaoling and Margaret Mooney Marini. 2008. “Coming of Age in Changing Times: Occupational Aspirations of American Youth in 1966-80.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 26(1):29-55
- Bian Yanjie, Xiaoling Shu, and John R. Logan. 2001. "Communist Party Membership and Regime Dynamics in China." Social Forces 79(3):805-841.
- Reprinted in Yanjie Bian, Xiaogang Wu, and Lulu Li (editors). 2008. Social Stratification and Mobility: Overseas Researchers’ New Advancements and Analyses of China Beijing: Renmin University of China. 边燕杰,吴晓刚,李路路主编 《市场转型与社会分层与流动:海外学者对中国分析的新进展》 北京: 中国人民大学出版社。
- Shu, Xiaoling, Pi-Ling Fan, Xiaoli Li, and Margaret Mooney Marini. 1996. “Characterizing Occupations with Data from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles,” Social Science Research 25(2):149-173.
- Knowledge Discovery in Social Sciences: A Data Mining Approach
- Social Transformation and Life-course Dynamics: Theories and Methods
- Advanced Topics in Quantitative Methods: Structural Equation Models
- Advanced Topics in Quantitative Methods: Multilevel Models
- Market Transition and Social Stratification in China
- Social Stratification
- Intermediate Social Statistics
- Introductory Social Statistics
- Markets, Culture, and Inequality in China
- The Emerging Middle Classes in China
- Book Publication Assistance Grant, Office of Research & Letters & Science Dean’s Office, 2019.
- Faculty Career Development Award, Academic Affairs, 2017, 2011, 1999.
- Grant for Regional Faculty Groups, Global Affairs, 2017.
- Fellow, Institute for Social Sciences, 2017.
- Undergraduate Instructional Improvement Program Grant, 2007, 1998.
- MacArthur Fellowship, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation,1991-95.